Our methods in completing the markup mainly include breaking the script up into three chunks, each marking up one part, and then recompiling the script back into the main script html file while abiding by our schema that was outlined previously and has been getting tweaked along the way as needed. We then used XSLT to output the script in a clean, readable way on the site.
The pdf file that contained the original script pre-transformation is available to be viewed on the site. Scene links were implemented that took the user to the indicated scene on click. Text was given alternate colors and styles depending on what type of text it was in the script. New scenes are bold. Narration is green. Scenes and site sections are separated with a red line to make it easier to tell when one scene ends and another begins.
A stats section was then implemented at the bottom of the transformed script page. The stats mentioned how many times each major character was mentioned and how many instances of spoken dialogue. A link was added at the top of the script page that takes the user to the stats section of the page.