Project Overview
Taxi Driver was released in February of 1976. Written by Paul Schrader and directed by Martin Scorsese, it follows the story of Travis Bickle - a lone New York cab driver who seeks more purpose in his life. This site will document the markup/archival project of the final version of the screenplay itself.
With this project, we wanted to provide an easily readable version of the script that can easily be inspected. Be it through using the CTRL (or COMMAND) + F function or just simply clicking on the links on the page to certain sections or words. Older movies like this one tend to begin to be lost to time, and documentation of these pieces of entertainment is important for the sake of history.
We are interested in the movie and appreciate it's message and story that it provides. Many pieces of media become underappreciated over time, as recency bias is a prevalent phenomenon.
The methods we used to achieve this can be found on the "Methods" page.